Training a CNN on Rock-Paper-Scissors images using Keras and OpenCV

Training a CNN on Rock-Paper-Scissors images using Keras and OpenCV

My attempt at the Rock-Paper-Scissors classification problem.

Project Demo

Project Repo

This project is available on my github:



I used the following 3 datasets to train the CNN from scratch:

DRGFREEMAN - Edited to remove the green screen, see remove_greenscreen notebook
SANI KAMAL - Also available in tensorflow_datasets, see download_dataset notebook
ALEXDJULIN - I created this one myself


The latest version of my model is available here:

Additional Ressources

This model is inspired by the following tutorials and repos:
Python for Computer Vision with OpenCV and Deep Learning, by Jose Portilla
rps-cv repo from drgfreeman
Rock-Paper-Scissors Image Classification Using CNN from Farah Amalia